Latest News
Why blockchain’s biggest asset is trust
December 13, 2022
The move towards blockchain is the next big step in technical innovation, following the mass adoption of the internet and mobile technologies. And arguably the
Changing how we think about blockchain in Africa
December 9, 2022
To accelerate the adoption of blockchain, there needs to be a sustained drive by government officials to lift those citizens who are committed to making
The move to IPv6 and taking the next step with PeerTLS via blockchain
December 8, 2022
While many people still consider IPv6 as an up-and-coming technology, it is already being used across the world by billions of people. Most advanced countries
Our Team
Lise Li
Head of APAC Hub
Lise Li
Head of APAC Hub
Lise Li currently works as Head of the APAC Hub for BSV Blockchain and CEO of Keyi Tech. Having graduated from the School of Finance at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), she has many years of e-commerce experience and a deep understanding of blockchain technology and business prospects. She is dedicated to advancing BSV blockchain technology and business applications in the APAC region.
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